Patel Infrastructure Creates World Record!

Patel Infrastructure creates world record!
Propel Industries takes great pride in having partnered with Patel infrastructure Limited. We have supplied the latter two Propel Eco wash 150 washing plants and one 350 TPH 3 stage Propel crusher plant for the laying of concrete road on the Baroda-Mumbai Expressway.
Patel Infrastructure Ltd created a world record on February 2, 2021 for highest quantity of pavement quality concrete laying in 24 hours, largest quantum of pavement quality concrete production in 24 hours, laying of pavement quality concrete in 18.75m width continuously in 24 hours and for largest area of rigid pavement quality concrete laid in 24 hours.
We congratulate the team of Patel Infrastructure and we wish for our fruitful association to continue. Let us together soar greater heights!