Supply chain management: What’s about it?
Productivity Enhancement | May 17, 2021
For a company to be successful, it is important to have a robust supply chain management system. Every company felt its importance during the pandemic. Companies which were getting raw materials from suppliers and vendors had to face the brunt and many companies had to rethink strategies to ensure smooth flow of goods and services to the customers.
The definition
The seamless flow of goods and services and the processes thereafter which transform the raw materials into final and finished products defines a supply chain management system. A proper supply chain management system is sure to win brownie points for the companies and also, helps them score above the competitors.
A robust supply chain management system helps
1. Win over customers’ trust
The customers always expect quality products to be delivered on time and as per their requirements. A good supply chain will ensure that right products are available to the customer at the right time. Delivering the products on time speaks volumes about the health of the company’s supply chain management system.
2. Reduces operating costs
A properly planned supply chain management system decreases production cost. Manufacturers depend on supply chains to deliver materials to plants so that material shortage is avoided. Establishing a supply chain ensures that global customer service goals are met and the company emerges as a tough competitor in the said sector.
Efficient supply chain managers….they matter
It is paramount for an organisation to put in place efficient supply chain managers who can reduce costs, decrease the use of fixed assets such as plants and warehouses and increase profits.
An efficient supply chain professional puts in place a system which ensures that goods and services are delivered to the customers, on time.
An efficient supply chain professional
- Diagnoses problems
- Works around disruptions
- Figures how to deliver goods or services to the customers on time
Talking about the supply chain management, Mr. V. Senthilkumar, Managing Director, says, “At Propel, we have an effective supply chain management system. The pandemic has pushed us to re-evaluate our supply chain. I think it is important to diversify the supply chain risks just as Indian is on its way to becoming the preferred destination for global companies. The restrictions on people’s and goods’ movement has affected the supply chain leading to the shortage of raw materials. If raw materials have to be imported, then the supply chain was getting affected. The longer product cycle and increased financial liabilities is being faced by industries in all sectors. Thankfully, we are an indigenously-grown company and so our supply chain did not feel a huge impact.”